Memorandum Circulars - Year 2003

No. Subject
1 Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) for Agency-hired Workers 01/03/2003
2 Deployment of Filipino Seafarers via Philippine Waterports and Seaports 01/13/2003
3 Report on Condition of OFWs in Connection with the Looming Middle East Crisis (US-IRAQ War) 01/10/2003
4 Guidelines on the Upgrading of Single Proprietorship or Partnerships 01/16/2003
5 Travel Advisory for Qatar and Israel-bound Filipinos 02/14/2003
6 Incentive Package for Recipients of the POEA Awards 02/17/2003
7 Guidelines concerning Registration of Landbased Namehires 02/17/2003
8 Request to Require Lawyers to Indicate in the Pleading their Number in the Roll of Attorneys 03/10/2003
9 Implementing Guidelines on Temporary Suspension of OFW Deployment to Selected Middle East Countries 03/21/2003
9-A Amendatory Guidelines on the Temporary Suspension of OFW Deployment to Selected Middle East Countries 03/25/2003
10 Recruitment and Placement Activities of Immigration Consultancy Agencies and Other Similar Entities 03/25/2003
11 Exemption of Seafarers from the New Visa Processing for Schengen Countries 03/24/2003
12Guidelines on the Temporary Suspension of OFW Deployment to Kuwait 04/03/2003
13 Resumption of Deployments to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Israel 04/08/2003
14 Guidelines on Transfer of Accreditation/Registration of Foreign Placement Agencies (FPAs) 04/14/2003
15 Launching of the Philippine Seafarers' One-Stop Center (PSOC) 05/26/2003
16 Guidelines on the Recruitment and Deployment of Filipino Workers for the Reconstruction of Iraq 06/11/2003
17 Updating of POEA Licensed Agency Database 06/16/2003
18 OFW Electronic ID Card for Seafarers 06/24/2003
19 Guidelines on the Registration of Foreign Principals/Employers in the US, Canada and Europe, Including Exemption from POLO Verification Requirements 06/27/2003
20 Implementation of the E-Receipt System for Overseas Landbased Workers Hired through Recruitment Agencies 06/27/2003
21 Guidelines on the Recruitment and Deployment of Filipino Overseas Performing Artists to Japan 07/07/2003
22 Registration and Processing of Fishermen Bound For Taiwan 07/09/2003
23 Guidelines on the Registration of Principals Hiring Immigrant-Workers and Documentation of Immigrant-Workers 08/15/2003
24 Guidelines on the Transfer of Registration/Accreditation of Landbased Principals 08/26/2003
25 Guidelines on the Contracts E-Submission System for Landbased Recruitment Agencies 09/05/2003
26 Streamlined Requirements in the Issuance of the Exit Clearance for Landbased Workers 09/25/2003
27 Adoption of E-Receipt System for the Processing of Employment Contracts for Seafarers 10/23/2003
28 New Procedures on the Registration of Seafarers and Issuance of the Permanent Registration Number 11/06/2003
29 PDOS Requirement for US-Bound Workers with Employment-Based Immigrant Visa11/12/2003


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