Memorandum Circulars - Year 1991

No. Subject Date Issued
1 War Risk Premium Pay for All Vessels in the Arabian Gulf 01/11/1991
2 Suspension of the Deployment of Workers to the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 01/15/1991
3 Amendment to MC No. 69 Series 1989 re: Posting of a Supersedeas Bond 01/18/1991
4 Report on Seafarers Engaged / Employed Abroad 01/15/1991
5 Suspension of Documentary Processing for Middle East Bound Workers 01/18/1991
6 LAC Documentary Requirements for Departing Seafarers 01/15/1991
7 War Risk Premium Pay for Israeli Ports 01/22/1991
8 Falsified Employment Travel Documents 01/28/1991
9 Strict Implementation of Employment Documents Verification / Authentication of Philippne Embassy 01/30/1991
9-A Clarification of Memorandum Circular No. 9 Series 1991 04/22/1991
9-B Payment of Fees for the Verification and Authentication of Documents Submitted to the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo or Consulate General in Kobe 05/29/1991
10 Scheduling System for PDOE / Proof of PDOE Attendance (Amendments to Some Provisions of MC No. 2 Series 1990) 01/15/1991
11 Employment Visas for Hongkong 02/14/1991
12 Lifting of Suspension of Documentary Processing of Contract Workers Bound for Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and in Areas of KSA 02/13/1991
13 Extension of Appointment of 1990 Auditioners 02/14/1991
14 Inventory of Liaison Officer Identification Cards 02/08/1991
15 Incentive Package for Recipients of POEA Performance Awards, 1989 01/29/1991
16 Lifting of Suspension of Deployment of Workers Bound for Middle East 03/06/1991
17 Modification of War Risk Premium Pay in the Arabian Gulf and Lifting of Such Payment in Israeli Ports 03/08/1991
18 Guidelines for the Establishment of Branch Offices in Cebu no date
19 Guidelines in the Disposition of Cases Filed with the POEA Regional Center and Regional Offices no date
20 Guidelines on Decentralization of POEA Functions (Cebu) no date
21 Guidelines for the Deployment of Workers to Kuwait 05/20/1991
22 Official Pre-departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) Report Form and Pertinent Guidelines 04/24/1991
23 Lifting of Ban on the Deployment of Filipino Contract Workers to Lebanon 05/30/1991
24 Conduct of PDOS Trainors Taining for Private Recruitment Agencies no date
25 Amendment of War Risk Zone in the Arabian Gulf 06/13/1991
26 Adoption / Implementation of Standard Employment Contract (SEC) for Filipino Artists / Entertainers Bound for Japan 06/18/1991
27 Information Dissemination Campaign on Various Types of Land Mines, Submunitions and Unexploded Ordinance in Kuwait no date
28 Exemptions from Memorandum Circular No. 21, Series of 1991 07/11/1991
29 Designated Auditioners for the POEA Regional Center in Cebu City for 1991 07/11/1991
30 Guidelines on the Temporary Government Processing and Deployment of Domestic Helpers to Hongkong 07/10/1991
31 Presentation of Employment Contracts / Notice of Employment to the Labor Assistance Center 07/10/1991
31-A Clarificatory Information Relative to MC No. 31, Series of 1991 07/29/1991
32 Processing of Seafarers' Employment Contracts During Week-ends and Holidays 07/16/1991
32-A Additional Guidelines on Computerized Worker's Identification Card (ID) 09/30/1991
33 Guidelines Concerning Job Order Amendment 07/19/1991
34 OCW Computerized Identification Card 07/31/1991
35 Guidelines Concerning Accreditation of Principals and Projects 07/25/1991
36 Adoption of Standard Format of Escrow Agreement no date
37 Guidelines on Processing and Deployment of DH to Hongkong further to MC 30 Series of 1991 08/01/1991
38 Amendments to MC No. 42 Series of 1990 on Sample Employment Contract for Various Skills 08/15/1991
39 Guidelines on the Accreditation of Agencies for Deployment of Filipino Entertainers 08/08/1991
39-A Amendment to MC No. 39 Series of 1991 08/19/1991
40 Mandatory Personal Accident and Life Insurance Coverage 09/02/1991
41 Deployment Quota 09/03/1991
42 Suspension of Payment of Premium Pay for Filipino Seafarers in the Gulf 09/05/1991
43 Reminders to OCWs Transitting Through Other International Airports 08/22/1991
44 Deduction from the Minimum Monthly Compensation of Filipino Entertainers Bound for Japan 09/11/1991
45 Additional Auditioners for the POEA Regional Center in Cebu City for 1991 09/12/1991
46 Deployment of Domestic Helpers to Hongkong 09/10/1991
47 Matters Relating to Contract Worker Employment in Kuwait 09/27/1991
48 Deployment Period for Seafarers 09/30/1991
49 Fees and Charges for POEA Processing Services of Employment Contracts of Seafarers 09/05/1991
50 Balik-Manggagawa Processing 09/20/1991
51 Model Employment Contract for Nurses 10/03/1991
52 Accreditation of Taiwanese Principals / Employers 10/07/1991
53 Implementation of Section 18, Rule II, Book II of 1991 POEA Revised Rules and Regulation Governing Overseas Employment 10/14/1991
54 Modification of the Standard Employment Contract (SEC) for Entertainers bound for Japan 10/03/1991
55 Upgrading of Minimum Salary Rate of Domestic Helpers in Hongkong 10/22/1991
56 Documentary Requirements for Contract Processing of Domestic Helpers Bound for Hongkong 10/23/1991
57 Widespread Practice of Filipina Domestic Helpers Entering Malaysia Bearing Passports Under Names Not Their Own 10/21/1991
58 On Cholera Vaccination 10/28/1991
59 Model Employment Contract for Filipino Household Workers 10/28/1991
60 Transitting Workers at the Bangkok International Airport 10/24/1991
61 Abolition of Demand Bond Requirement for Singapore Domestic Helper Employers 11/15/1991
62 Emphasis on the Need to Obey Islamic Code of Conduct and Discipline in the PDOS 11/04/1991
63 Available Trained Muslim Workers 11/25/1991
64 Suspension of Auditions for Entertainers and Issuance of the Artist Accreditation Certificate (AAC) 11/21/1991
65 Guidelines on the Implementation of Computerized Processing Scheme 11/22/1991
66 Proposed New Immigration Policy of New Zealand and Increase in Immigration Fees 11/21/1991
67 Policy on Travel Ban to South Africa 11/28/1991
68 Guidelines of Compliance Report to UP Law Center 12/02/1991
69 Guidelines for the Implementation of Department Order No. 28 Series of 1991, Concerning Repatriation Bond for Overseas Contract Workers 11/27/1991
70 Return of PCI Bank Express Padala in Kuwait 12/26/1991


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